Monday 7 September 2009

O alta matematica

Noi stim ca unu ori unu fac unu,
dar un inorog ori o para
nu stim cât face.
Stim ca cinci fara patru fac unu,
dar un nor fara o corabie
nu stim cât face.
Stim, noi stim ca opt
împartit la opt fac unu,
dar un munte împartit la o capra
nu stim cât face.
Stim ca unu plus unu fac doi,
dar eu si cu tine,
nu Stim, vai, nu stim cât facem.

Ah, dar o plapuma
înmultita cu un iepure
face o roscovana, desigur,
o varza împartita la un steag
fac un porc,
un cal fara un tramvai
face un înger,
o conopida plus un ou,
face un astragal…

Numai tu si cu mine
înmultiti si împartiti
adunati si scazuti
ramânem aceiasi…

Pieri din mintea mea!
Revino-mi în inima!

(Nichita Stanescu - O alta matematica)

Love to Live

Welcome and congratulations! I am delighted that you could make it. Getting here wasn't easy. I know. Not only have you been lucky enaugh to be attached since time immemorial to a favourated evolutionary line, but you have also been extremely - make that miraculously - fortunate in your personal ancestry. Consider that for 3.8 billion years, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enaugh to find a mate, healthy enaugh to reproduce and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to do so. Not one of your partinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stuck fast, untimely mounded, turned out gay or otherwise deflected from life's quest of delivering a tiny change of genetic material to the right parent at the right moment to perpetuate the only possible srquence of hereditary combination that could result YOU!